My visit in Germany- Concentration Camps

Welcome, dear visitors. This time I would like to tell you a few words about my visit in Germany. I was tracing the subject which is Holocaust issue. I found some places, memorials and camps themselves and I decided to see how the past events are presented and what you can learn from visiting them. Let’s start the journey, which takes us back in time. Memorials, statues, museums… Here is the list of the places I recommend.

Dachau Concentration Camp

Dachau concentration camps
My visit to the former Nazi concentration camps in Dachau near Munich,

It has been the first concentration camp for political prisoners in Nazi Germany opened in 1933, in the southern German town of the same name. Dachau became a model for other concentration camps built in future. What is more, it was one of the longest running concentration camps in those times. Who was sent to concentration camps? Political prisoners, such as Communists, Socialists, and trade unionists . Jehovah’s Witness, priests, prisoners of war and homosexuals.  Common criminals, spies and resistance fighters. Roma (Gypsies), Jews and others the Germans considered “asocial” or “shiftless”.  Why is it worth to enter this place? To see how it really looked like. The original barracks, prisoner baths, courtyards, and the crematorium, as well as an extensive exhibition and various memorials.

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Another place worth visiting is Holocaust Memorial (German:Holocaust-Mahnmal). This untypical place looks like a modern cemetery. It’s a  thousand, seven hundred and eleven gray concrete slabs framed from the biggest ones to the smallest one.  Memorial is located just south of the Brandenburg Gate,  on a stretch of the former “death strip” where the Wall  stood in previous times. It’s an open art installation remembering and honoring  the up to six million people of the Holocaust.

I must admit I’m embarrassed to see how people behave in this place. I know it’s not actually a cemetery or concentration camps itself, but still memorial of million of victims. Reminds about the tragedy. Is it the right place to kiss, jump on it, pose hyper-fashionable sexy poses or even make your physiological needs…? I’m afraid people treat this place like another attraction, famous touristic site to take a selfie. Come on people, if you have any idea what a Holocaust was. But the school and family had probably better and more important subjects to teach the children, doesn’t it?